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Monday, May 16, 2011

Windows Search - Advance Query Syntax

The other day I had to try and work out how to filter files within a windows server 2008 explorer window. I knew 2008 had some good search features but had never got into using the search other than just typing in filenames or extensions with wildcards


  • filename.*
  • *.jpg

So I started looking into AQS. There are a number of properties you can choose but I need to filter by extension and to not list folders or images. Below is the query I construction

ext: NOT (.rtf OR .doc OR .docx OR .txt OR.xls OR.msg OR .pdf OR.wps OR .xps OR .pub OR .ppt OR.odt) AND type: NOT image AND kind: NOT folders


ext: NOT (.rtf OR .doc OR .docx OR .txt OR.xls OR.msg OR .pdf OR.wps OR .xps OR .pub OR .ppt OR.odt)

This part will list all files with extentions


except with .rtf,.doc ,.docx,.txt,.xls,.msg,.pdf,.wpf,.xps,.pub,.ppt,.odt

NOT (.rtf OR .doc OR .docx OR .txt OR.xls OR.msg OR .pdf OR.wps OR .xps OR .pub OR .ppt OR.odt)

except  files of type image.

AND type: NOT image

except folders

AND kind: NOT folders

You can view other available properties here


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