Just a quick note to show how to run a command against multiple computers.
Have a file with a list of computer names (1 name per line).
net time example
FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1 delims=," %A IN (.\serverlist.txt) DO net time \\%A>>c:\output_command_netime.txt
So the command above will run the net time command on each of the servers in the file serverlist.txt. Each server name is passed to the command through the variable %A.
The output in this command is redirected into a file called output_command_netime.txt. It must be said that the output is appended to the file, so if you this multiple times, be away it will just add to the existing file. Just delete/rename the file if you want a new file on next run.
More examples
examine the state of a service
FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1 delims=," %A IN (.\serverList.txt) DO sc \\%A query w32time>>c:\output_command_sc_query2.txt
start a service
FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1 delims=," %A IN (.\serverList.txt) DO sc \\%A start w32time>>c:\output_command_sc_start.txt
stop a service
FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1 delims=," %A IN (.\serverList.txt) DO sc \\%A stop w32time>>c:\output_command_sc_stop.txt