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Monday, July 25, 2011

WD LiveWire Powerline Device – Connect multiple devices (more than original 2)

I have not actually tried this but I have just brought 2 of these devices and I want to eventually connect more.

Now I got the 2 units working straight from the box and they are great, I cannot knock them.

However so I am led to believe, to add more devices you will need to configure the devices. This is done with a utility on the cd you get supplied with the units.

You are going to configure the device plugged to the computer (you install the software on) as the “Local Device” device. The others will then become remote devices.

  1. Click “ADD”, to add new devices. 
  2. You will have to locate the password for the additional units, which are marked P/W on the bottom of each device.
  3. You will have to enter the password and give the device a name. 
  4. Then hit the “OK” button.
  5. All the devices should reboot, and within 60 seconds, the utility should scan and locate all the devices on your system.
  6. note: If the utility does not locate all the devices within 60 seconds, it means that the devices did not reboot. You will then have to unplug ALL the devices, and then re-plug them into the wall, and then close and reopen the utility. It should now work.




  1. Hey Mumble, did this ever work? I'm ripping my hair out trying to setup 4 units and your site is the only reference. The link above is dead too. :)

    1. Mmmmm tried to reply and it got lost. Wish I had some good news. I started getting intermittent connectivity problems between these 2 and ended up replacing then with dual band WiFi.

    2. Mmmmm tried to reply and it got lost. Wish I had some good news. I started getting intermittent connectivity problems between these 2 and ended up replacing then with dual band WiFi.
