Whilst performing a yammer migration to Native Mode.. I hit an issue where I created an alignment Report... Hoping this would give me clear insight into what was about to happen... However, the format the report is in is YAML...
I have no Yaml tools, so I wanted to get it into Excel...
It seemed like the quickest path, would be to convert to JSON, and then use excel json import capabilities.
So I used an online YAML to JSON converter...
It worked very well for my purpose, and I got my report into json format.
Now to import to excel, goto the data tab.
Using the Get Data\From File\From JSON option

So then we are presented with 2 options groups and users. So what I did was to import each of these to their own worksheet. So lets start with Groups. Click on Record next to group

Now we are presented with a multitude of records, now lets get these into table...

Now we will expand out the record field (I just expand all fields, but you can be selective when the dialog appears).

Have a scan through the top of the column names, and look to see if you can expand any more.

Once you are happy you can import into excel, but clicking close and load. You should have a new worksheet with all the data you need. (You can repeat this process for the Users)

I must say that whilst I did find this information interesting, I still hit issues that I needed to fix..
And the move to Native Mode, takes forever and we only had a small instance... In fact the SLA from microsoft for Yamme with under 100,000 files is 30 days, and over 45 days... lol... First run for me took a few hours to run, before failing.. Then using the error report I was able to delete the problem file, and then rerun... again it took hours...
I have no Yaml tools, so I wanted to get it into Excel...
It seemed like the quickest path, would be to convert to JSON, and then use excel json import capabilities.
So I used an online YAML to JSON converter...
It worked very well for my purpose, and I got my report into json format.
Now to import to excel, goto the data tab.
Using the Get Data\From File\From JSON option
So then we are presented with 2 options groups and users. So what I did was to import each of these to their own worksheet. So lets start with Groups. Click on Record next to group
Now we are presented with a multitude of records, now lets get these into table...
Now we will expand out the record field (I just expand all fields, but you can be selective when the dialog appears).
Have a scan through the top of the column names, and look to see if you can expand any more.
Once you are happy you can import into excel, but clicking close and load. You should have a new worksheet with all the data you need. (You can repeat this process for the Users)
I must say that whilst I did find this information interesting, I still hit issues that I needed to fix..
And the move to Native Mode, takes forever and we only had a small instance... In fact the SLA from microsoft for Yamme with under 100,000 files is 30 days, and over 45 days... lol... First run for me took a few hours to run, before failing.. Then using the error report I was able to delete the problem file, and then rerun... again it took hours...

Check the alignment report in Yammer's Native Mode for insights into your network's setup. More details at atmosphereswitch!