Had to build a table in a text format of a predetermined width. What I found is that the –f operator can assist with building this
I had a variable that I stored the text output in, and then appened the results to it.
Add table header to string variable
$StringOutput += "{0,-80}{1,10}{2,25}" -f 'Filename','Size (KB)','Date';
Then loop through results
foreach (item in list)
$sqlStringOutput += "{0,-80}" -f $item.Name + "{0,10}" -f ("{0:n2}" -f ($item.Length/1kb)) + "{0,25}" -f ("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]::ParseExact($item.LastWriteTime,'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss',$null))) + $htmlbr;
Filename Size (KB) Date
filename1.bak 0.50 2018-04-22 22:37:40
filename2.bak 0.50 2018-04-23 22:39:35
So I have used different ways to build the string using formatting.
1. "{0,-80}{1,10}{2,25}" - this is one format string, the first number 0,1,2 are the indexes of the following strings. the –80,10,25 are how wide the end string is (with padding), the – number means align left, positive align right.
2. I used multiple format strings then concatenate them together, I just found it easier to read (due to nested format strings on the numbers and dates.