I have had many instances over the last few years of slow netowrk performance on various machines.
Here I list the items I have changed to resolve these.
1. Disable AutoTuningLevel
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
To re-enable AutoTuningLevel if it does not work
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
2. Disabling SMB 2
3. Disable TCP Offloading (needs restart)
Value = DisableTaskOffload
Type = DWORD
Data = 1
Value = EnableTCPChimney
Type = DWORD
Data = 0
Value = EnableTCPA
Type = DWORD
Data = 0
Value = EnableRSS
Type = DWORD
Data = 0
I have had SMB2 and the TCP Offloading sprt out various network performance issue over the years.